Tuesday, June 5, 2012


In our life there are many things important to us like technology. Technology is useful in our life; it help us to communicate to many people on the phone, computer and, technology has helped develop more advanced communicate. We receive entertainment and information in a convenient format from the technology in our life. In this essay I will talk about the communication technology and the most important changes or developments over the last five years.


General Technology:


First of all, I want to talk about the technology in general, the technology can use in phones, education and, many other things. In this essay one first thing I will talk about is the technology in the education and how the technology in the education is useful to us; then, I will talk about the communication technology in the phones and for both I will talk about the changes and developments in the last 5 or 10 years.


Technology in Education:


Nowadays, in the colleges and schools the education is by many thing but the most important is the computer; it helps the teacher to teach the student many things about the subject and learn more things for example, when the student has an essay to do it he will use Microsoft word to help him in the spelling and the grammar and they will not have anything wrong; also, it will help the student to practice in many things like reading and listening; also, now Abu Dhabi Men’s College (ADMC) is giving the teacher a course to teach the student by Ipad and the college will replace the laptops with the Ipad. Five or ten years ago the communication with the student was difficult for the teacher.


Communication Technology:


In the paragraph above I was talking about the technology in the education but now I will talk about the technology of communicating on the phone. In our life the phone is also an important thing to communicate to our family and friends; it allows two people separated by large distances to talk to each other. The phone is an old technology has but these days the technology has added a Smartphone like BlackBerry. BlackBerry is a line of smart phone devices, developed and designed by Research in Motion (RIM). The first BlackBerry smart phone was released in 1999. This phone has many things like a messenger to talk to other persons for free; also it has push email, mobile telephone, text messaging, Internet faxing, web browsing and other wireless information services. In fact the BlackBerry has changed our life and helps us in many things because we have a phone that includes everything in the computer.




Overall, technology is very important in our life as it makes it easier and more comfortable; without technology it will be difficult to communicate. Technology today you will see and feel every day and now you can’t leave it because it has crashed in our life. In my opinion I like the education with the technology and the newest technology and the smart phone BlackBerry because the education with technology will help us in many things and the BlackBerry will help us to communicate and to work.  










1.    Definition of technology". Merriam-Webster. Retrieved 2007-02-16.

2.    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BlackBerry

3.    http://www.buzzle.com/articles/why-is-technology-so-important-today.html

4.    Rheingold, H (2002) Smart Mobs: the Next Social Revolution, Peruses, Cambridge, Massachusetts, pp. xi–xxii, 157–182


Thursday, May 31, 2012

Portfolio Task 6

The idea of a single unified global currency is an impressive and remarkable action. There is no doubt that trade and travel would be easier. In spite of that I think that it may cause various problems today.
          There are many advantages of having single currency such as the Euro in Europe. Whenever we travel between various Europe countries, the problems of changing and exchanging rates are history. For instance and from business perspectives, it's easier to use a single currency in different transactions to avoid any conflicts and risks that use of the US dollar is similar; even most countries accept the US dollars in many aspects either in tourism or in trade transactions.
          However there are many problems in having a global universal currency. First of all, from an economic perspective it's not easy to accept this idea most developed countries face some political, legal and economical inflation. Such countries could not easily be brought into the single currency because of some restrictions in fiscal and monetary governmental policies.
          Overall, I believe that the idea of a universal currency has a reverse flow. It may be effective in trade transactions and tourist purposes but it may raise various problems and conflicts between countries.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Portfolio Task 5

          The line graph shows the number of annual visits to Australia by overseas residents from 1975 to 2005. Also, the table gives information on the country of origin where the visitors come from. I will write a report describing the information given.

          Now I will describe the line graph. In this line graph it shows me that from 1975 to 2005 the number of visitors rose from 10 million to 31 million; that means it was increasing. In 1975 the visitors were about 9.5 million then it was increasing to 16 million in 1985 and in 1995 it was 24 million, and in 2005 30 million visitors. In the table it has some information on the country of origin where the visitors came from 1975 to 2005. In 1975 the lowest country was 0.3 million from China and the highest country is Japan about 3.2 million; also, the lowest country in 2005 is China, about 0.8 million, and the highest is Japan, about 12.0 million.

          Overall, I see the visitors who came to Australia in 1975 and 2005. Japan was the highest country in 1975 and in 2005 China was the lowest country and the total in 2005 is more than 1975.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Portfolio Task 4

        In this world you will see that some people think that a sense of competition in children should be encouraged. Others believe that children who are taught to cooperate rather than compete become more useful adults. In this essay I will discuss both these views and give my own opinion.

        First of all, in this case some things must be better than others. I mean by competition and cooperation. Now I will discuss the issues. Some people think that a sense of competition in children should be encouraged but, it is not as useful as cooperation. I will choose the cooperation because it is more useful and will help them; for example, they will cooperate in playing football, class work groups, and competitions. In those examples they must cooperate like playing football they cooperate to win, in class work groups to get marks and understand more useful things and to win the competitions. In my opinion I like the cooperation more than competition because it is useful and will help them in many things now and when they will be adults; also they will be successful in their life.

        Overall, in this life everyone needs to cooperate to be successful in his life. 

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Portfolio Task 3

        Many people claim that a balanced diet, or eating balanced meals, is the key to a healthy life. In this essay I will give my arguments with examples and relevant evidence.

        Some people think that the healthy life is when you take balanced meals and diet; for sure I don’t agree with this opinion, because not only diet and eating balanced meals is the key to a healthy life. In my opinion when you want a healthy life follow a diet and eat healthy food, and play any sport you like, like swimming and football. Other people think any food you take is healthy; in some countries when you want healthy food you ask about healthy food or for a diet and you will get it, especially in America. I saw many old people have a healthy life. I find that all their food is healthy and everyday they walk and do a kind of sport they like. On the other hand there are some gyms which have a lot of sport to play or if you want to be at home or you can’t be out of the home there are a lot of channels which show you some important exercises to be healthy.

        Overall everything is important to me but the healthy life is also to quit smoking and don’t eat unbalanced food to be overweight.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Portfolio Task 2

                The charts below show the main reasons for study among students of different age groups and the amount of support they received from employers in the UK. In this essay I will select the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

        In first chart shows us reasons for study according to age for career and interest. In this chart the age between 40 to 49 has the same amount and, for career, the under 26 group has the highest amount but the lowest was for these over 49. Also, for interest the highest amount was for these aged over 49 and the lowest under 26. In the second chart, about employer support, the highest amount was under 26 and they have about 63 and the lowest at 34 was for those between 30 to 39.

        Overall, I see in the first chart those under 26 and those over 49 are opposite. Most under 26 study for career and, conversely most over 49 studies for interest.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Portfolio Task 1

          This table shows us information sales in a restaurant in a downtown in America about lunch and dinner on weekdays are at weekends, in this essay I will select some of the main features and make some comparisons where relevant.

          First of all in this restaurant, as we see in the table, the sales at dinner are better than lunch because I think that at lunch time some people have some work or are in school or college. The best sales in the week at lunch time were on Wednesday, $ 2,595 and at dinner it is on Friday, $ 4,350 and the lowest sales at lunch are on Saturday, $1,950 and at dinner is on Saturday, $ 2,900.

          In my opinion in every restaurant in the world sometimes the lowest sales will be at the weekend and the best sales will be at the weekdays because at the weekend some people with their family or friends but weekdays they are in are their own city.